One: Your Wellness Guide to Body, Mind & Soul | Book Review

One: Your Wellness Guide to Body, Mind & Soul

Author: Mirav Tarkka & Heidi De Love

Page: 298

 ‘One: Your Wellness Guide To Body, Mind & Soul is a collection of 22 stories written by different authors. These stories revolves around the experiences of these authors and how they too were or are not perfect each story tells us how these authors took control of their life. As I read the stories it was really inspiring to read these stories. Each story has something to give the readers like in one story the author has said that it is very important to notice or listen what our body is trying to say. How it is very important to create a balance in life and in what ways we can keep our inner warrior alive. The book contains various topics right from nutrition, creativity to communication and there are tips that all can follow in their practical life. To know more about these wonderful tips and to get to know about our body, mind & soul read ‘One: Your Wellness Guide to Body, Mind & Soul’.

My Thoughts:

                This is a self help book and is written in such a manner that the readers will surely connect to the stories of each author. While reading this book the one thing that I got to know is whatever the conditions are we must strive in our life to overcome these situations. If you are feeling low in your life and feel like you cannot achieve anything in life you must read these motivational stories to know how these authors faced so much of problems in life but never gave up.

                Language is simple and lucid. Each story is well narrated and they will actually touch the readers heart.

                The book cover is simple with the authors picture over it. The title of the book is apt to the stories. Each individual story is different but somehow they all are pointing to only ONE thing and that is wellness of our body, mind & soul and hence I loved the title of the book.

                I would surely recommend this book to all especially to all those people who are planning to enter the world of self-help books.

My Rating: 5/5


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