The Rage Within | Book Review

The Rage Within
Author: Chandrayan Gupta
Pages: 236

                ‘The Rage Within’ by Chandrayan Gupta is a crime thriller which revolves around two private detectives Aditya Gokhale and Radha Bose. Both are going to face the most intimidating case that they have solved in their career. Their task is to track down a culprit who had committed a crime 17 years ago. While working on this case they discover various hidden facts and how domestic violence and brutality of parents can have various impacts on many lives. So who had committed this brutal crime 17 years ago? Is it possible to track the criminal after all these many years? What will be discovered while solving this case? To know more read ‘The Rage Within’.

My Thoughts:

                The plot is intriguing and will keep the readers on edge throughout the book. While reading the book I found that the writer has successfully maintained the suspense throughout. I liked how the plot is woven and how they track down the criminal who committed the crime 17 years ago.

                The characters are well developed and we can totally feel the feeling that the characters are going through. And while the investigation is on we can see the determination of these two detectives to solve the case and hunt the criminal.

                Language is simple and lucid. The narration and the pace of the book is excellent.

                Book cover is simple yet very meaningful and somewhat reveals the plot. The title of the book is apt to the story and very interesting.

                Overall, I found the book very interesting and would surely recommend it to all.

My Rating: 4/5


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