The Girl in the Dream | Book Review

The Girl in the Dream
Author: Pravin Agarwal
Pages: 295

                ‘The Girl in the Dream’ by Pravin Agarwal revolves around Vivaan, Riya, Rachit and Swara. Vivaan who works for NASA is from USA and is a scientist and has been a leader to a mars mission. Then we have Riya who works for an Advertisement Agency and is engaged to Vivaan. But Vivaan is experiencing some strange dreams about some place which he has never visited in his life and sees a girl in the dream who he doesn’t know. She shares this strange dream with his fiancée and she is surprised and angry at the same time thinking about her fiancée dreaming about some other girl. Soon Vivaan and Rachit meet Rachit at USA who is looking for some help to set up a solar plant in Jaipur, India. To complete the solar plant work they move to India where to the surprise of Vivaan he gets to witness the same temple that he has been continuously dreaming of. Simultaneously, there’s another love story running i.e. of Rachit. Rachit is trying all his luck to impress Swara’s dad and hence the entire struggle to set up the solar plant. We get to see the story running between the two timelines and how they are connected to the present of the characters. So, what is the mystery behind Vivaan dreaming about the Temple and the girl? Is there any relation that is linking the temple and the characters? What will be the end of their story? To know all this read ‘The Girl in the Dream’.

My Thoughts:

                The plot is very unique and written beautifully. I liked the sub plot that is running simultaneously at the same time and how it is linking the characters present. I was glued to the book right from the start and I am sure the readers will also be mesmerized with this romantic thriller.

                The characters are well developed but I found them to be very formal with each other. I liked Vivaan even after getting these strange dreams he was composed and even convinces his fiancée that they are just dreams and it’ nothing.

                Language is simple and lucid. The narration is done beautifully especially the transition between the two stories is exceptional.

                The book cover is beautiful and totally reveals what the plot is about. The title is also apt to the plot.

                Overall, I enjoyed reading this book and would surely recommend it to others.

My Rating: 4/5


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