How to Write a Book in One Month and Earn One Lakh from It | Book Review
How to Write a Book in One Month and Earn One Lakh from It
Author: Tanmay Dubey
‘How to Write a Book in One Month and Earn One Lakh from It’ by Tanmay Dubey is a guide for aspiring writers. Author discusses about the Magical 3 Question:
• Why: Why should you write a Book?
• How: How to Write a Book in One Month?
• What: What to do to start earning One Lakh a month from your book?
These are questions which every aspiring author might have had during their writing journey and author has tried to answer these questions through this book. There are many questions or doubts too that pop in while writing and we get to see that there are many reasons which are stopping us from writing or completing that book which we always had thought of.
What I liked about the book:
• Author has given us tips which are easy and doable
• Author has discussed some of the beliefs which are stopping us and how we can overcome them
• Author has also explained how sharing our goals and getting a good coach can help us reach our goal in a short period of time and keep us motivated.
• Language is simple and lucid.
• We also get to see how outlining and mind-maps can be prepared and will be helpful
Overall, I definitely feel that this book will surely be helpful to all those who are looking forward to write a book. I would surely recommend this book to all.
Rating: 5🌟
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