Love Mince Pie and Some Magic | Book Review
Love Mince Pie and Some Magic Author: Renuka Gangan ‘Love Mince Pie and Some Magic’ by Renuka Gangan is a collection of poems which revolve around feelings when one is in love. Love is a feeling where one feels all kinds of emotions, warmth, how two souls become one, the understanding that both the partners share. Author has shared all these feelings through this collection of her poems. What I liked about the book: • The poems are written in a manner where the initial poems seems that two people have just fallen in love and then as we progress we experience how their feelings become more sure and mature. • The illustrations are really cute and depict what the author wants to say through these poems. • The author has nicely expressed her feelings through these poems and the readers would surely relate to them. • I loved all the poems in this collection but there some of my favorite poems are: Non – Duality Just Us Purity Mince Pie Warmth of our Nest ...