The Ghost of Kyle Sugarbaker | Book Review

The Ghost of Kyle Sugarbaker

Author: Brandon Clarke
Pages: 178

                ‘The Ghost of Kyle Sugarbaker’ by Brandon Clarke is a book that revolves around Kyle Sugarbaker. Kyle is a simple and innocent boy who went to Salem High School. He used to maintain a journal wherein he used to express his feelings. One day, he forgets his journal and it gets into wrong hands. Soon, Kyle’s secrets are out and other children start teasing him. There is something bad that someone does due to which Kyle and lost his life. The other story that we follow is that of Zane who has recently joined a new school. He soon starts experiencing some strange things and also sees a ghost of a school going child. What is this secret that Kyle’s journal holds? How did Kyle die? Who is Zane and whose ghost is this that Zane keeps seeing? To know read ‘The Ghost of Kyle Sugarbaker’

                The plot is unique and intriguing. There are times when the readers will leave the readers scared. I have read the first book and I must say that this one is more scary and mysterious. The characters are well developed and the narration is exceptional. The plot follows two stories taking place into two timeline and while reading I found that it was easy to follow the story line. Language is simple and lucid. The book cover is scary with a mysterious person to know who this person definitely read the book. The title of the book is apt to the plot.

                Overall, this too was a very interesting read and would surely recommend it to all.

Rating: 4/5



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