Few Shades of Love | Book Review

Few Shades of Love
Author: Kamal Panda

                ‘Few Shades of Love’ by Kamal Panda is a collection of stories where we get to see that not all are fortunate enough to have a happy ending in their love story. Each story has a very deep meaning and the struggles that each person faces in his/her life to have this beautiful feeling called love. The stories are as follows:

1.       The Fall of Last Dove
2.       The Plumes of Smoke
3.       The Philophile Clouds
Each story is unique and the endings are the best. At times we feel that we know a person, we fall in love with them and just when we feel that we just cannot live without them fate plays their game. Love plays a major factor in everybody’s life and at times it makes people happy and at other times it just leaves people to face the loss, grief, betrayal and revenge.

The plot is well written and we get to see varied emotions in all the stories.

The language is simple and lucid and the readers will surely enjoy reading the book.

The characters are well developed and they all depict feelings that any person will go through which makes them more real.

The book cover is really beautiful and the title if apt to the story.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this book.

My Rating: 5/5


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