Enrich Life | Book Review

Enrich Life
Author: Preeti Pathak
Pages: 200
Publisher: Vishwakarma Publications
Genre: Non-fiction, Self-Help

                ‘Enrich Life’ by Preeti Pathak is a self-help book which takes us on a 20 day journey to enrich our life and to make us recognize our own self.  We normally put all our energy to solve others problems and to also to please them. But in doing so we usually ignore our own self and we hurt ourselves in manners that we usually don’t think about. The author has beautifully put forth that family and society are an integral part of our life but we should always find some me time for ourselves and our own self first. The author has also made us ponder about questions like ‘who am I, what do I want, what makes me happy’, etc. which we seldom ask ourselves. The author has also put forward the importance of self-love, self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-compassion, etc.  and how important it is for us to take the responsibility that while making others happy we should also make it a point to keep ourselves also happy. To know more about the amazing tips on how to take care of ourselves and how to go about it read Enrich Life.

My Views:

I liked the writing style of the writer and how she has added real life examples of people that are related to the chapters. How people think they are dealing with their own problems efficiently but in the end it just doesn’t end well for everybody. The author also emphasizes that when same people ponder upon things that they are going they could find a path that may be beneficial not for them but also for others. The author has also given tips for people to go through them at a glimpse plus there are questions which will put the readers in deep thought where they’ll really start thinking about what they actually want and if they are giving themselves the true love that they truly deserve.

The book is written in a simple and lucid language which would be beneficial for readers who are reading self-help book for the first time. The chapters are short and easy. The readers can start the book at any chapter if they feel so but it is recommended that they read the book from the start so that they truly benefit from the book. I truly feel that the tips given by the author would be beneficial for everyone in this hectic and stressful life where everyone is just busy in their work that they don’t have anyone let alone themselves.

Overall, I feel that it is possible to lead a happy life if we truly give ourselves the time that we need leaving the technology behind sometime and ponder upon what we are actually looking for in life.
I really enjoyed reading the book and would surely try to implement the tips given by the author in my life too.

My Rating:


Disclaimer: I received a review copy from the author in exchange for my honest review.


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