The Death Wish | Book Review

The Death Wish
Author: Sourabh Mukherjee
Pages: 21
Format: Ebook

The Death Wish by Sourabh Mukherjee

                ‘The Death Wish’ by Sourabh Mukherjee is a very sensitive tale. In this book we get to see the social problems that today’s generations are not much concerned about. Today children find their parents as burden and then the trouble of making them (parents) feel as if they are some unwanted person in the house and then too when we can’t rid of them we ignore them. There was a time when our parents looked after us and our needs but now when they need us we cannot give them the same love in return and our parents become the loneliest person which may further complicate the situation and make the person depressed or suicidal.
                The story revolves around Abani who has struggled all through his life. While growing up under the neglectful eyes of a drunkard father & a very unfortunate mother. He has struggled to make his son’s life better and provide him with the love that he has never received from his father and make his children’s life more comfortable. But does he get the life and the love that he deserves. To know more read The Death Wish.
                The plot of the story is very simple but yet it teaches us a very important lesson. The character of the story is strong and brave. He has been through a lot but he is still strong through all the thick and thins of his life. But with the days passing by he gets depressed and starts feeling defeated by his life. The story will make you sad and will even make you cry.
                We somewhere forget that even we are going to be old and would need somebody to look after us. We also forget the fact no one knows what the future holds for us. This is my second book by the author and I really like the writing style of the author it is very simple and easy to understand and very engaging.
                Overall, I loved the book but then the story is very short. I would surely recommend this book to my friends.

My Ratings: 4/5


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