One Minute Super Dad | Book Review
One Minute
Super Dad
Author: Dr.
Prashant Jindal
Pages: 176
‘One Minute
Super Dad’ is a self help book made not only for newbie dads but also for
somebody who wants to know more about being dad and their responsibilities
towards their kids. This book has some great tips and some fun ideas that dads
can follow and spend some quality time with their kids. The book gives tips on
how it is not just mom’s responsibility to inculcate good habits in children
but dad’s too can try and inculcate some good habits in the children. Teaching
the kids to be thankful for what they have and to make understand or rather
show them how people don’t get the basic necessities of life and to have those
things in their life they should be thankful to God for those things. Normally,
kids throw tantrums if they don’t get what they want and as a parent it is your
responsibility to teach and show them that they cannot have all the things they
want right then and there or distract their attention from the thing they want
to something interesting that they like and would like to do but then too if
the kid is throwing tantrums it’s better to wait for them to settle on their
own and not to give in to their tantrums and buy them the things they want
because if we buy them the thing they want after their tantrums the tantrums are
just going to increase as they know how to get things using tantrums and as a
parent it is your responsibility to make him understand and show him that
everything in life comes at the right time and how after getting the thing they
should show their gratitude towards them thus instilling in them the habit of
showing gratitude for small things in their life.
My thoughts on the book:
Today, there
is heavy competition all over the world. Children are under constant pressure
to do their best not only in studies but almost in everything be it
extra-curricular activities too. Schools, Extra-curricular activities, homework
are not enough they are also sent to the tuition leaving no time for play and
even if they get sometime all that kids now a day’s do is watch TV or they are
glued to their mobiles. The book has some fun activities that parents can try
doing with their kids thus showing them that their parents are there for them
and just telling them that they love you is not enough showing is more
important. Instead of shouting at the kids making them understand the
importance of studies and trying to teach them something every day in a
different and fun way could be a great idea. Only good marks are not enough as
a parent you should also try to look for other skills/talents that the kid has
and try to take his skills at another level this too can help a kid. Instead of
speaking negatively try to talk in a positively way and instead of going for
all the goals/slowing all the obstacles in one go take it slow and one step at
a time may help the kid tremendously.
I liked the
book but I think there were a few tips which according to me are not possible
in day to day life but then it’s all about trying to achieve and taking it one
step ahead. I would definitely recommend the book because it has some great tips which
would be useful to almost anybody as the
book not only about being a super dad but also how small things matters in life
and about looking and teaching the children to look life in a positive manner
and making life better. To know more read One Minute Super Dad.
Quotes/Lines Which I liked from the book:
Happiness is not something to be chased or
pursued, but something that we can have simply by giving ourselves permission
to be happy.
Telling your children you love them is of course
important, but it is even more important to show them that you do.
Always say what you mean and mean what you say.
Teaching your child that ‘it’s okay to be wrong
sometimes’ is a powerful skill for life.
Disclaimer: I received this book from WritersMelon in exchange for my
honest review.
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