The Last Chai: Bringing the Nation to a Halt|Book Review

The Last Chai: Bringing the Nation to a Halt
Author: Varun T
Pages: 250

 Image result for the last chai


‘The Last Chai: Bringing the Nation to a Halt’ is the story of Ajay Kaamate who heads the SPG and is designated to protect the PM and is under a lot of stress and is sent on leave by Doshi, the PM. But Ajay even if he is on his leave is constantly thinking about the PM’s safety and get back to work a week earlier. But his task of protecting the PM is becoming increasingly difficult as the elections are around the corner and the PM needs to be in direct contact with the people. The PM has to attend the SAARC meeting too in Islamabad wherein something goes wrong with the PM.

The quest to save the PM is on. The terrorists are not only outside the country but they can be anywhere even in our own country sitting beside us or someone you think you have known all your life and the defence & intelligence agencies are on the search for them working 24 X 7 planning on how to eradicate them and save the PM from the unknown danger that nobody knows. Will the agencies be successful in protecting their PM from the unknown threat? How will they be able to eradicate the unknown threat from the country and show the world what their defence system is capable of? To know more read ‘TheLast Chai: Bringing the Nation to a Halt’ by Varun T.

I loved the plot and also felt a little bad as to how the minds of young children are brainwashed and they are imbibed that what they are doing is for the greater good of the country and that after they die they will be granted jannat with 72 hoors and this is all done on the premises of religion.
The twists were a little abrupt and could have been improved but nevertheless it was a good read.

Disclaimer: I received this book in exchange for my honest review.
Ratings: 4/5


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